Running a Tensorflow Lite model on a Teensy microcontroller


Basic instructions for building tflite from source can be found here

For Teensy these are the steps that I needed to take to compile. These intructions worked from the main branch of tflite-micro in July 2023. tflite doesn’t seem to have versioned releases so this may be different in the future.

  1. Clone the tflite-micro repository in github

  2. As in the instructions above run the python script to create a directory tree containing the sources necessary to build:

     python tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/project_generation/ tmp/tflm-tree
  3. The created tree can be copied into the src folder of a platformio project to build it.

  4. You will need to update the default tool chain to a version which includes std::to_string by adding the following line to platformio.ini:

     platform_packages = toolchain-gccarmnoneeabi @ 1.90201.191206
  5. You will then need to provide an updated math .a library file from here. This can be copied into /lib folder in the project and will need adding to the build flags in platofromio.ini:

     build_flags = -L ./lib
  6. Add the following build flag to platformio.ini:

     build_flags = -D ARDUINOSTL_M_H
  7. tflite/tensorflow/lite/micro/kernels/

    Remove the double cast from line 192:

     cell_state_info.quantized_cell_clip = static_cast<int16_t>(
         std::min(std::max(cell_clip / cell_state_scale, -32768.0), 32767.0));
  8. tflite/third_party/gemmlowp/fixedpoint/fixedpoint.h

    Add a double cast on line 519+:

         std::max(static_cast<double>(round(x * static_cast<double>(1ll << kFractionalBits))),
  9. tflite/tensorflow/lite/kernels/cppmath.h

    Declare TfLiteRound directly instead of with macro expansion:

     // DECLARE_STD_GLOBAL_SWITCH1(TfLiteRound, round);
     template <class T>                                
     inline T TfLiteRound(const T x) {                    
         return round(x); 
  10. tflite/tensorflow/lite/micro/

    Import Arduino.h and change fprintf to Serial.println:

     #import <Arduino.h>
  11. It should now be possible to compile the source without errors. I’ve done this and checked the resulting code into the xen_machinelearning repository.

    This repository can be used as a library in other projects by adding it as a dependency in platformio.ini:

    lib_deps =

    and also the following build flag:

    build_flags = -D ARDUINOSTL_M_H